Age-Restricted Delivery
We ensure each delivery agent abides by local laws and guideline.

Delivering Age-Restricted Deeleeos with Care and Efficiency
Our Deeleeo agents are trained to handle and deliver age-restricted packages with utmost care and efficiency. We understand the importance of ensuring these packages reach the right hands.

Age-Restricted Items
Items that contain alcohol can only be delivered by Deeleeo agents who have completed their provincial alcohol service training program:

Other Age-Restricted Products for Delivery
Tobacco products, vape products and other age-restricted items can be delivered by any current Deeleeo agent.
Deeleeo agents who deliver these items are required to check the identification of the recipient to ensure that they are of legal age.
Tabacco Products
Vape Products
What do agents need to remember?
Standard protocols for age-restricted deliveries:
Ask for ID to Verify Legal Age
Ask for photo ID from the recipient upon drop off, and review the photo ID to verify that the recipient is of legal age.
Do NOT Leave Age-restricted Packages Unattended
Do NOT leave the package unattended, even if there is no-one to receive the delivery. Age-restricted deliveries MUST be delivered in-person. Call the person who made the Deeleeo if there’s nobody there to accept the package.

Checking ID
Deeleeo agents must verify the age of the recipient by checking their photo ID before dropping off the item. No matter how old the pickup person looks, agents must always ask for photo ID.
Check the Date of Birth (DOB)
Is the person old enough to accept the delivery? The easiest way to do this is to check the birth year first.
The date of birth should be at least 18 years old (Alberta).
Check the Expiry Date on Card
Is the ID expired? If so, it can’t be used to verify the age of a pickup person.
Look at the Picture Closely
Is the person in the picture on the photo ID the same person who gave you the photo ID?
Does Anything Seem Weird?
Does the photo ID feel weird to the touch? Is the photo ID from somewhere you don’t recognize? You’re allowed to ask for another piece of photo ID if you don’t feel comfortable.

Valid Forms of Photo ID
Any of the listed forms of identification can be used to verify the age of the person receiving the Deeleeo. Note: In Alberta, healthcare cards cannot be used as ID.

Secure Indian Status Card
The Secure Indian Status Card is a valid ID for Status Indians under the Indian Act, featuring name, birthdate, band membership, and a photo.

Permanent Resident Card
The Permanent Residence Card, issued by the Canadian government, proves permanent residency with personal details like name, birthdate, and photo for identification.

Canadian Citizenship Card
A Canadian Citizenship Card with a photograph serves as a valid identification document issued by the Canadian government to citizens of Canada.

Driver's License or ID card
A Canadian Driver's License or ID card is a government-issued document that serves as official identification within Canada. It includes essential personal details such as the holder's name, date of birth, address, and a photograph.

Canadian Passport
A Canadian passport certifies identity and nationality for travel. It includes biometric data and security features, with varying validity. Applicants need proof of citizenship and identity. It is globally recognized and may require visas.

Canadian Armed Forces ID Card
A Canadian Armed Forces ID Card verifies the identity, rank, and status of military personnel. It includes a photo and security features, and is used to access military facilities and services.
Common Questions
Find answers to frequently asked questions about age-restricted delivery.
If the recipient’s ID is expired, the ID is NOT considered valid, no exceptions. If the recipient shows you an expired ID, they cannot accept the delivery. The item must be returned to the pickup location.
If nobody is there to accept the delivery, it CANNOT be left on a doorstep. Age-restricted Deeleeos can only be delivered directly to a person with ID. If nobody is at the dropoff location to accept the delivery, call the contact who made the Deeleeo and ask what to do next.
If no recipient can be found, the item must be returned to the pickup location.
No. The only accepted forms of ID are:
- Driver’s license
- ID card
- Passport
- Canadian Citizenship Card (with picture)
- Permanent Resident Card
- Secure Indian Status Card
- Canadian Armed Forces ID card
Other forms of ID (such as university ID, work IDs, and Costco Cards) do not count.
The Deeleeo recipients will be asked whether or not the delivery agent asked for ID in the Deeleeo app. If it is found that the delivery agent left an age-restricted Deeleeo unattended at the drop off location, you will be penalized for not completing the Deeleeo properly, and will receive one warning before losing the ability to deliver age-restricted Deeleeos.
Aside from being penalized by Deeleeo, provincially-administered fines may be issued for failure to check an ID upon delivery. Such fines can cost up to $10,000 for a first offence, so it’s best to just check the IDs.

Want More Information?
Check out the following resources provided by provincial regulatory bodies:
Tobacco & Vape and other products