Deeleeo Blog

Deeleeo Blog

A Fast Smile for the Last Mile

Written by Chris1

March 31, 2022

The world is moving fast and changing even faster. With change comes an ever-increasing desire for speed and convenience. Changes in the world in the past few years have drastically changed the consumer landscape driven by the same desires that drove the fast-food service explosion less than a decade ago.

However, in the wake of that consumer-driven explosion we have also seen the rise of retail giants which have risen to the challenge raised by the consumer’s understandable desire to be able to get what they want from where they want with increased convenience and decreased cost.

As retail giants continue to grow bigger it has also become evident that they’ve left smaller business in their shadow. This has given rise to the grassroots #ShopLocal movement to empower the businesses owned and run by members of the same community the consumers share.

The simultaneous drive for convenience and community support has led to a disconnect of sorts in the consumer, a borderline ethical dilemma:

  • “How do I support the smaller local businesses that I don’t want to see disappear without giving up the convenience that I have grown to love?”
  • One of the biggest hurdles for any business that wants to tap into the convenience-driven model has been distribution, especially that crucial “last mile” to the customer’s door.
  • How does a business that was built around a storefront attraction model shift their infrastructure to take the product to the consumer?
  • How does a new business that wants to use a door-to-door model protect the product, find the staff, or pay them properly while they build a large enough delivery customer base?
  • How can they afford a third-party door-to-door delivery service added to their model when they are not a high-volume seller?

This has sometimes made it difficult for consumers to support their local businesses. Between not being able to leave the house, not having time, or the logistics of driving around while also caring for a family and commuting for work, the low-cost and convenience of the to-your-door retail model was a blessing.

Well, thankfully, this same convenience-driven retail explosion has also brought about a tech wave that, when used correctly, can empower businesses to bring themselves out of the shadows.

Riding that wave comes Deeleeo, the quick, easy, and affordable app-based solution to that ever crucial “Last Mile”. This Canadian based and privately owned company is building in cities across the country to be able to provide the “Fast Smile” solution that is easily approachable from both the consumer and the business side of the equation!

Stay tuned on our blog as we further explore this “Shop Local, conveniently” retail revolution. Check out the website for FAQs or jump in and download the app and get started with the on-demand solution bringing together affordable convenience with local business empowerment.


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